Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Holiday project part 1

First part of the holiday project was a covered album, the second was a project I found in another cool craft book, the name I still need to find, and it is basicly embroidering on paper:) I used watercolour paper and embroidery thread. Made two pictures already- one of a girl with an umbrella and one of a flower. the third is of a portrait but it still half stitched. So photos later:)

Stitch Lounge third fitting

The third fitting has arrived! Just wished to feel better and be able to stay till the end. Thought I managed to make that amazing hoodie in just couple of hours with a perfect piece of fabric and cool project from http://yourstylerocks.com . Thanks to Carrie for the amazing event and Chris for sweet photos.

collection of my dresses:) part 1

And so there they are:) A a three piece black dress- green bodice, black a line skirt still without the fuffle and a short black top altered from a gipsy top. Part of the Gothia project for Sadmoons. The green Alice in Wonderland dress made at the second Stitch Lounge and a "non-angel" party dress turned nightie due to the sheerness. Two more to come later.

I love my new album cover!

I found that project in one of craft books from my local library, found the perfect fabric and a good album and there it is! Needs a bit of patience and a lot of double sided sticky tape. Yay!

Birthday pillow

And how about a cozy pillow with a print of a favourite photo on the canvas paper. Definitely need more of that paper!

cosies, cosies!

And here we've got a couple of tea cosies I made. The one with writing is for a friend who left our workplace, The blue one is a birthday present for a close friend (the picture is drawn with fabric crayons, hope he remembers to iron it before washing:). The orange is an order for a colleague's friend- finished with a lovely flower and made-myself bias tape:) More on their way:)

taggie ruggies for little ones

Well, well, I have to admit I abandoned my own blog for a while...:( Time to update with a couple of things I've been up to. First was a project of a tuggie for my friend's and later for my cousin's baby. This is one of those projects you want to be very precise, choose the best and cosiest fabrics and check 10 times if you removed all the pins. Later on you just hope the baby will enjoy it. The photos are from the latest project. I have to admit I am refusing to do them in blue and pink. Why just not to pick another colour:)